The Shelby Shifters Car Club, established in 1970, held their 12th Annual Open Car Show today in Kennedy Park. With great weather and tons of awards, over 285 vehicles showed up in support of the show! This one had everything that makes a car show great: vendors, ice cream, 50/50 drawing, t-shirts, plenty of shade, food, $50 gas card drawings, a DJ playing oldies, an old Top Fuel dragster, did I mention ice cream?!?! The awards ceremony was really neat, especially the trophy they gave out to the youngest participant, a 16-year old female who drove a late-model T-bird to the show. It's nice to know the club supports getting youths involved in the hobby just like Hagerty does. Without getting kids involved, where would the hobby be in 20 years?
After reading the club's bio, it's great to hear they are heavily involved in the hobby and giving back to the community. Check out their website sometime to learn more: http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/shelbyshifters/. Sometimes when you go to a car show, you feel you are just paying your entry fee and you might win a trophy. I think it's important to find out what your money's going towards. Is it going towards a good cause? Is it being used to improve the community or help a worthy organization? Some people don't realize that most car clubs are in the hobby to help benefit people around them and raise money for worth-while causes. So get out your classic and go to a car show! After all, your cars are meant to be driven and admired, so show them off!
To watch a video of the car show participants entering the show field, click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6WaRMqfSrE.
Have you seen this man? Just kidding, this is Curt and his car is pictured below:

A 1968 Mercury Cougar. Have you watched the Hagerty Cougar commercial? It is one of my favorites! Check it out on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8haxS5opic.
Some of the custom trophies on display.

A 1968 Mercury Cougar. Have you watched the Hagerty Cougar commercial? It is one of my favorites! Check it out on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8haxS5opic.

Some of the custom trophies on display.