James Dean and Duck Tail Run

Located only about 15 minutes away from each other, James Dean Days in Fairmount, IN, and the Duck Tail Run in Gas City, IN, might very well be the largest street rod gathering in Indiana for September! Thousands of classics cruised from all over the country to attend the festivities. One thing is for sure, you can't see everything in one day (even though I tried). There's a lot of ground to cover and I found myself getting stopped by every other car, admiring the beauty.

Here are their websites for next year's planning: http://www.jamesdeanartifacts.com and http://www.ducktailrun.com . You're sure to see something you've never seen before, like this decked out wagon covered in ducks (above).

or this custom golf cart selling for $18,000 at James Dean!

You can't see from the picture, but this paint job was so amazing, it really looked like the car was on fire!

Have you ever seen so many led sleds?!? They were parked in the front area of the James Dean Days car show.

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