This is a chance for you to try alternate transportation-walk, bike, bus, even car-share or car pooling.
Please forward this to all your friends-Try the CAR-FREE life for one week. Sign up for the Car-Free challenge!
How many car trips can you replace with bicycling, walking, or riding the bus?
The Car-Free Challenge is a friendly competition that encourages Kansas Citians to reduce the number of trips that we take by ourselves in our automobiles. Great prizes are available for the folks that log the most miles and/or the most trips. If this is your first time we even have a special category just for you.
Come back here every day to log your trips and how many miles you went car-free. We'll show you how much gas money you are saving and how much pollution you are keeping out of the air.
Wanna carpool? While it's not really car-free, we'll still let you count any trip where you aren't in the car all by yourself.
Form a team with your friends or co-workers. Or go solo.
Just go car free
Bill (aka Carfree American)
Carfree American will be available for anyone who needs advice or who wants someone to ride with them. I will teach adults and children. If you want advice or guidance feel free to call or txt me- 913 220 1213 or email me at
Carfree is FUN! Just ask a kid!