So yesterday I bought a samsonite spinner plain black suitcase at Ross, got it home and realized it's 66 linear inches - 4 over the maximum of 62 linear inches allowed on most airlines. Everywhere I have read, and with some help of friends in twitter, everyone pretty much assures me if I don't draw attention to the bag, and it is under 50 pounds I should be completely fine and not be charged an oversized bag fee. But the thought of shelling out $100 or even $200 for 4 linear inches over really irks me. Did a test pack of the bag and it came in at 48 pounds. God, maybe I should just return the bag and not worry about it.
My flights to Korea are United Airlines Washington Dulles to Seattle-Tacoma and Asiana Airlines Seattle to Seoul (Incheon International Airport). ---omg, break! just ran out of coffee --- Also, just looked it up. Both Washington Dulles and Seattle-Tacoma airports have wifi with AT&T. I will have about 2.5 hours of layover at each, and I'm beginning to think the $7.95 daily pass for internet will be worth it.