Fastest Racing Cars

Just a recap on the Formula 1 race last October 10, 2010 held in Japan (I still can’t get over it, apparently):

·         Champion was Sebastian Vettel with 25 points.
·         First runner up with 18 points Mark Webber
·         Second runner up with 15 points Fernando Alonso
·         Third runner up with 12 points Jenson Button
·         Fourth runner up with 10 points Lewis Hamilton.

Speed demons are definitely on the loose – good thing they’re all on the right track.

From the wire.

The Top 3 speed demon race cars that not even a dust can bite:

·         The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport - it is the fastest car in the world. It travels in a speed of 257.87 mph in 2.4 seconds.
·         It has beaten SSC Ultimate Aero that travels at a speed of 256.15 mph in 2.78 seconds.
·         The last car that can push its maximum speed under three seconds is Koenigsegg CCXR Special Edition - at the speed of 250 mph within 2.9 seconds.

Who knows how many point seconds are left till it reaches the 3-second mark?

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
The car comes in the color silver and black. This one is a multi-color package with black and orange.

SSC Ultimate Aero
SSC Ultimate Aero

This car comes in a lot of color like royal blue, red, orange, yellow, gold, silver and brown.

Koenigsegg CCXR Special Edition

Koenigsegg CCXR Special Edition

Hmmm. The only color I can see is black and silver.

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 2011 was not just a rumor, it is true. Look forward to know how much its worth. Uhm, but not really.

Boy, would I dream to have one of the fastest cars in the world.  On second thought, it’s too much excitement for me. I’m good where I’m at, at the bleaches hearing the roar of the engines, with the smell of burning tires in the air.

That’s it for this week. Don’t drink and drive folks.

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