At the recent 9th Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) Annual Dinner, its president Datuk Aishah Ahmad has optimistically revealed that, "Members of MMA forecast that this year's TIV (total indutrial volume) could reach 510,000 units, representing a 4.7% improvement over last year. Passenger vehicles are expected to reach 463,000 units while commercial vehicles are expected to increase by 6.1% to reach 47,000 units"
According to the MAA, the total Industry Volume (TIV) of motor vehicles sold in 2007 was 487,176 units, up 0.7% against the 2006 performance. The good performance was due to, among many reasons, the introduction of new models and the aggressive marketing strategies of MAA members. " This show how innovative and resilient Malaysian motor industry players are", Datuk Aishah added. For the first time, the MAA has provided some long term forecasts where the TIV increases by an average of 3.3% anually to reach 580,000 units by 2012.
On a related matter, the MAA president also confirmed that MAA Members and Associates will be busy this year planning for the KL International Motorshow 2009. The MAA Management Council has decided to organise the region's most exciting event again, with the dates and venue to be confirmed later.