Red Bull Indianapolis GP

For only its second year at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Red Bull Indianapolis GP is proving to be a big hit! Fans from all over the world came to watch their favorite motorcycle riders perform this weekend. This was the first time I've experienced a motorcycle race and it was fantastic. To see these machines perform at almost 200 mph, taking turns at a near 90 degree angle, and fighting with the bike to keep it on the ground is extremely exciting to watch! Check out this website to learn more:

We brought down a 1957 BMW R26 Motorcycle to display over the weekend. Of course we had to take advantage of a photo opportunity!
We also displayed a 1967 Porsche 911s at the Hagerty booth. It attracted A LOT of attention!
People ask me what kind of car I would get for a collector vehicle. Most of the time my answer depends on the shows I've recently attended. This week I want a motorcycle! I'm sure this weekend will be an Auburn, Cord, or Duesenburg. The weekend after that may be a Porsche 356. What's great about being invovled in the hobby is that you gain a deeper appreciation for all types of vehicles. You start to understand why certain enthusiasts find a particular vehicle collectible. Someone recently asked me if the Pre-War cars will be popular 40-50 years from now because the reality is most of the people who grew up around them will be passed on. My answer was YES, as long as we are getting people interested in the hobby, especially youths. If we can educate people on why those cars are amazing works of art, there will always be a strong following!

Some shaky video of bikes entering the back-stretch

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